
putting your health back into your own hands

Founded on Qi Science

Sofia Mund

What is Listening Mind - Coaching Wholeness?

Sofia explains her business in one minute!

Sofia Mund lives in the Blue Mountains, West of Sydney in Australia. She works as a Hunyuan Qi Therapist, Mingjue Healer and Teacher, and as a Wholeness Coach founded on Qi Science -  the Science of Zhineng Qigong. Sofia runs both practical classes and personal transformation courses based on Qi Science. She teaches and sees clients privately both online via zoom and in her studio in Blackheath. 

If you are interested in hearing Sofia discuss her work and how she is approaching teaching Zhineng Qigong in Australia, please see the following video of her interview with the ZQG Student Hub. 

Sofia Mund Interview with Leilah Cupido


Sofia is attending a two month Intensive International Zhineng Qigong Instructors Course in China in March and April. 

All new classes and courses are on hold during this time. 
Those students already registered with the Listening Mind Community will be continuing with their group practice schedules already established whilst Sofia is away. 

Sofia will be recommencing classes and running her courses after her return. As she is expecting to be completely transformed by her China experience, she is currently leaving it open as to what she will be offering and when!! So please do register your interest so you can be added to the email list for when she returns!

The New 4-Session Enjoying Every Moment Course run in February was a complete success - so do send an email if you're interested as it may well be repeated! There are other possibilities and shorter course options being considered as well, so as mentioned - do register your interest!

An Introduction to Qi Science - the Science of Zhineng Qigong

Click on the following link to be taken on a 5 minute journey of exploration with Sofia Mund to examine the basics of the Science of Zhineng Qigong!

Qi Video - A Journey of Discovery!

The following link is for a formal, longer and more in depth explanation - taken from a recording of an Online Workshop by Sofia Mund. (45 minutes

An Introduction to the Science of Zhineng Qigong

Watch here for a fantastic presentation by Dr. Bernhard Karrasch - a Scientist whose wife healed her dementia with the use of Zhineng Qigong. Dr. Karrasch as a scientist was so astounded that he sought to understand scientifically what had occurred. This is his findings - a superb scientific explanation as to how Qi Science works. 

Dr. Bernhard Karrasch - Dementia and Zhineng Qigong

Professor Pang Lecture

View Doctor Pang explaining the basic principles of Zhineng Qigong Hunyuan Qi Therapy in association to how illness forms and how to treat it, and a discussion on how Zhineng Qigong Science differs to acupuncture.

Professor Pang - principles of Zhineng Qigong Hunyuan Qi

Free No Obligation Chat

If you are wondering if any of this work may benefit you, and you would like to discuss this more, then please contact Sofia Mund to book in for a Free No Obligation Chat :).
See Webform below. 

Master Wei's Year-Long Course is currently running - but you are welcome to still decide to join! It's a super course! To join now you pay the same price, and receive recordings for any of the classes you may have missed.

"The Science of Consciousness - A Path to Awakening"


Introduction to the Science of the Consciousness - https://youtu.be/zQ78akkLK6w

 - view this link for an overview of this course by Sofia Mund

To Register - email: sofiamund@listeningmind.com.au

Testimonial from Advanced Course Participant

"Sofia's dedication and clarity in teaching the science of Zhineng qigong are truly remarkable. Her understanding of and ability to convey the teachings have had a profound impact on me. 10 years ago I acquired a spinal cord injury rendering my physical body with quadriplegia. One year ago I commenced this study and practice of Zhineng Qigoong. The further I delve deeper into the practice, I am experiencing exponential transformation. The way I perceive and connect with my physical body and inner wisdom is nothing short of miraculous. I am filled with gratitude for Sofia's discovery and willingness to share this wisdom with us.

Through Sofia's guidance and that of the Masters and the Qi Fields, I am celebrating a deeper understanding of what it means to exist in this human form. Each step of this journey fills me with excitement as I discover new possibilities. Sofia's passionate dedication to empowering humanity to take control of our own health is truly inspiring. She possesses a unique set of skills and intuitive teaching methods that support and enhance our trust and belief in ourselves as the true masters of our own ship.

Thank you, Sofia, for your unwavering commitment and for empowering us to take charge of our well-being. Your teachings have made a profound impact on my life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from you. Haola!"

Sarah-Jane Staszak

Testimonial from Advanced Course Participant

"The Art of Seeing Through" is my 3rd consecutive course with Sofia Mund who shares her years of training in Zhineng Qigong Science. This course has been for me, the exciting, but the most challenging so far. There is a point in your healing story arc where you have to go beyond your comfort zones, particularly if you believe you're mildly adept in the realms of self-transformation.
This course shone a light into my blind spot and it was hard to see it. In short, our comfort zones are killing us...literally. A fork in the road...do you want to live with joy, or be right?
But gee it's hard to cross that threshold into the REAL unknown and I've never been more grateful for anything in my life than this course. 
Sofia has a unique approach to conveying extremely profound, esoteric information in a way that finds the cracks in the armour of even the most calcified heart. The process was extraordinary and excruciating and then liberating  - after all, birthing new consciousness is not without giving up the old and sometimes it doesn't die without a fight.
I highly recommend 'The Art of Smiling' and 'The Art of Seeing Through' and I have done so for many people who are now benefiting from Sofia's work with Zhineng Qigong Science. Choose this practice and course if you truly want to transform, change your whole life, release physical, emotional and mental pain, reconnect with who you are behind your idea of your 'authentic self' - because this will happen and there will be no unseeing what you see when you do.

Emma Magenta
Artist and Author 
What is The Art of Smiling?

What is The Art of Smiling?

This course facilitates opportunities for personal transformation through the science of Zhineng Qigong, which works on a paradigm that true health comes from transforming the whole person - body, heart and mind.

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The Art of Smiling - Frequently Asked Questions

The Art of Smiling - Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions explaining The Art of Smiling Course. If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sofia Mund on the webform below to book an obligation free phone session.

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What is the Heart of the Hero?

What is the Heart of the Hero?

Titled 'The Heart of the Hero', Wholeness Coaching offers support for those who are journeying deeply into the forests seeking personal transformation.

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What is the Opening Doors Program?

What is the Opening Doors Program?

Opening Doors is a condensed Study Program for participants who are unable or not wishing to attend the group Art of Smiling Course.

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What is the Mastering Your Ship Program?

What is the Mastering Your Ship Program?

Mastering Your Ship is a condensed Study Program for participants who are unable or not wishing to attend the group Art of Smiling Course.

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What is Hunyuan Qi Therapy?

What is Hunyuan Qi Therapy?

Therapeutic Healing Treatments utilising the precepts of the Science of Zhineng Qigong.

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EMERGENCE 1 - ONLINE - The Art of Smiling

9-week Personal Transformation Course Conducted via Zoom Next Online Course Commences February 2025

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Hunyuan Qi Therapy Sessions

Consciousness Qi Healing Private Sessions for Health and Well-Being Half-Hour Sessions are available online or in person at my Studio in Blackheath. Each first session includes a 10-15 minute Free Consultation as well as the half-hour treatment.

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'The Heart of the Hero'

Wholeness Coaching - support and guidance for your own personal journey of Healing and Transformation

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Mastering Your Ship and Opening Doors Programs

Condensed Private Study Packages for those unable or not wishing to attend the group Art of Smiling Course. See Articles above for more information, or contact Sofia Mund for details.

Zhineng Qigong Online Lessons


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EMERGENCE 1 - 'The Art of Smiling'

A 9-Week Group Personal Transformation Course based on the Science of Zhineng Qigong Next in-person course will occur in 2025 - time and date to be advised

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EMERGENCE 2 - 'The Art of Seeing Through'

9-Week Personal Transformation Course founded on the Science of Zhineng Qigong. Next Course - To Be Advised

Learn More


For further information about any of the courses, healing sessions or to subscribe to Listening Mind please contact Sofia Mund directly through the webform. If you would like a free obligation free phone consultation if you are wondering if this work may be suitable for you, please contact Sofia Mund.

Zhineng Qigong Science presents a truly holistic model for transformation and health, accessing all areas of the human condition to enhance not only physical health, but emotional and mental health as well.
The result is a new life approach with positive information for a healthy way of being in the world.

Zhineng Qigong literally means a Qigong practice that develops the wisdom and ability of a person. It is an extremely gentle form of movement and use of the mind that is very easy to learn and accessible to anyone of any age or physical ability.

Between 1986 and 2001, Dr. Pang set up the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Center which became known in the West as the Medicineless Hospital.

Over the years the Center treated more than 300,000 patients with 180 different diseases, and achieved an overall effectiveness rate of 95%.

The use of Qi has now been scientifically proven and documented to be effective in treating patients with various diseases. More than 3,000 research papers have been published on this work in China.

"Zhineng Qigong is the refinement of consciousness to enhance the state of energy in the body. This leads to vibrant health, a harmonious body and mind, and an awakened spiritual life" - Professor Pang Ming

About Sofia Mund image
I live with my husband in the Blue Mountains, West of Sydney. I have been, amongst other things, a High School Teacher, University Lecturer, Youth Worker, Counselor, Farm Hand, Performer and Composer. Throughout my life I have never stopped questing for a deeper comprehension of existence, and the discovery of joy and happiness.

I began training in Zhineng Qigong in 2019 to help heal my own physical illnesses and burnout. I have experienced first hand the incredible benefits of these profound practices as brought to the West by the Chinese students of Professor Pang Ming.

I am fully certified as a Hunyuan Qi Therapist (the first in Australia!) and a Health and Wellbeing Coach through the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Foundation. This is a consciousness Qi healing modality based on the Science of Zhineng Qigong - which is founded on comprehensive training program by Master Liu. In addition I am certified as a Mingjue Healer after completing a One Year 'Awaken the Inner Healer" Mingjue Healing Course, based on Zhineng Qigong with Master Wei, and I have received Mingjue Teacher Certification after completing another year of study in 2024. In addition I have recently completed the Mingjue Shen Zhen Acupuncture Course with Master Wei which focuses on the use of the consciousness for healing.

I have completed a year long study of the Deep Teacher Training course with Master Zhu in 2024 which explored Level 1 and Level 2 Zhineng Qigong in depth, alongside other Zhineng Qigong methods for healing of the body. I have also trained with a number of other significant Chinese Zhineng Qigong Masters including studying Inner Perceptions Psychology based on the Science of Zhineng Qigong with Master Zhen. In addition I have studied under Master Liu to learn Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of Zhineng Qigong and have studied his application of these levels through his highly effective Qi Core Programs and Neck Health Care.

In 2024 I was accepted as a registered Teacher by the Zhineng Qigong Student Hub and am listed in their Teacher Directory. In 2024 I have also been invited to become the Australian Organiser for The World Consciousness Community - assisting students to attend classes, courses and retreats led by Master Wei, and running practice sessions for this community.

I have become joyous about sharing these incredibly profound, simple, accessible and yet highly effective modalities for self-healing and for the healing for others, and to help support people to transform their own lives through these practices.

“Healing happens when there is no room for illness in the consciousness”
Master Yuantong Liu

With love, peace and happiness.
